112 research outputs found

    Freezing Out the Mexican Cops: Bullying as Discrimination at the Police Workplace in Mexico City

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    Abstract: In recent years, bullying problems in public security or defense institutions have been studied. Such problems are associated with high stress situations, a large workload and pressure in hierarchical organisms that base their success on a rigid system of asymmetric power and authoritarian leadership style. The aim of the current study is to investigate (in-depth interviews and ethnographic work) the patterns of the victims' subjective cultural perception of a particular type of bullying called freezing out in the Mexico City police forces and the victim's strategies to avoid it, taking into account their ranks within the structure of the police organization. The key research question is the following: How is the bullying experience called "freezing out" culturally perceived by self-identified targets and how do the victims cope with it? In freezing, the superior officer simply leaves his subordinate without specific instructions (it is not isolation). This could manifest itself as a type of informal punishment or as a desire to exclude the individual from the institution's work production, temporarily or permanently. The present paper is a case study that analyzes the cultural perception of freezing as social discrimination in the Mexican police force

    Doing Marginalized Motherhood: Identities and Practices among Incarcerated Women in Mexico

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    This study examines the mothering practices and identities of incarcerated women in Mexico. Data gathered from repeated life-story interviews with 12 women, were analyzed to describe mothering practices in the different phases of incarcerated women’s’ lives. We argue that knowledge of the Latin American context is crucial to understand their experiences of motherhood. In a society based on familism and marianismo identities that suffers from a lack of welfare institutions, motherhood provided a way for socially and economically excluded women to escape destructive family environments and gain autonomy. Motherhood also provided a way to cope with the stigma of delinquency. Using the framework of Southern Criminology, we explore the importance of marginalized motherhood in this tradition. The results reveal the tragic paradox of motherhood for incarcerated women and the importance of studying marginalized mothering beyond the Global North

    Comprensión y método : para un modelo de ciencia social del derecho

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    Fil: Fondevila, Gustavo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales Ambrosio L. Gioja. Buenos Aires, Argentin

    Politics, Armed Forces and drug trafficking in Mexico: An outlaw army?

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    The essay aims to examine the legal and policy issues raised by the military intervention in combating drug trafficking and organized crime in the areas of criminal investigation and people detention in Mexico. Basically, the paper explores three major areas of noncompliance with the law or legal vacuum in matter related to that intervention: a) arrests and independent criminal investigation by the military; b) lack of protocol in use of military force in civilian operations; c) military courts.El ensayo apunta a estudiar los problemas legales y políticos planteados por la intervención militar en el combate al narcotráfico y la delincuencia organizada en temas de investigación delictiva y de detención de personas en México. Básicamente, el trabajo explora tres grandes áreas de incumplimiento de la ley o de vacío legal en la materia, relacionadas con dicha intervención: a) detenciones e investigación criminal autónoma por las Fuerzas Armadas; b) falta de protocolo de uso de la fuerza militar en operativos civiles; c) fuero militar

    Reduction of foot-and-mouth disease virus transmission in cattle vaccinated one or two weeks before challenge using a commercial polyvalent vaccine

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    Immediate vaccination of the most susceptible and epidemiological relevant animals is a crucial part of control measures that facilitate virus elimination in case of entry of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cattle vaccination 7 and 14 days prior challenge using a vaccine commonly applied in systematic vaccination campaigns against transmission of FMD virus (FMDV). Transmission of FMDV was investigated in three groups of ten cattle each: one non-vaccinated group and two groups that were either vaccinated 7 days (−7/vaccinated group) or 14 days (−14/vaccinated group) before intranasal (IN) inoculation. Five cattle heads from each group were inoculated using the IN-route with the A/Argentina/2001 FMDV strain, while the remaining five cattle heads of each group were contact-exposed to inoculated cattle. Clinical signs were recorded; virus isolation and genome detection by RT-PCR were carried out on oesophageal–pharyngeal fluid (OPF) and blood. Neutralizing antibody titers and antibodies against non-structural proteins (NSP) of FMDV were also determined. Results suggest that the experimental design, virus challenge dose, and virus infectivity were appropriate and that the virus had been transmitted to naïve calves. Under the outlined experimental conditions, vaccination 7 and 14 days prior to challenge induced full clinical protection against virus inoculation. Moreover, −7/ or −14/vaccinated calves that had been contact-exposed to −7/ or −14/vaccinated IN-challenged calves, did not become infected. Consequently, no virus transmission occurred from vaccinated and subsequently infected calves to cohabitating vaccinated calves (R = 0). According to our results, early vaccination during an outbreak is effective as virus transmission can be significantly reduced using a vaccine commercially available, routinely applied in systematic vaccination campaigns.Instituto de PatobiologíaFil: Duffy, Sergio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patobiología; ArgentinaFil: Fondevila, Norberto Antonio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Virología; ArgentinaFil: Galdo Novo, Sabrina. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASA); ArgentinaFil: Aznar, Maria Natalia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patobiología; ArgentinaFil: Garro, Carlos Javier. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patobiología; ArgentinaFil: Smitsaart, Eliana N. Biogénesis Bagó S.A.; ArgentinaFil: Monti, Gustavo. Universidad Austral de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Chil

    Mujeres y prisión en Colombia : desafíos para la política criminal desde un enfoque de género

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    Entre 1991 y 2018 en Colombia, la tasa de mujeres en prisión por 100.000 habitantes mujeres aumentó más de tres veces, pasando de 9.9 en 1991 a 31.5 en junio de 2018. El número de mujeres privadas de la libertad en centros penitenciarios del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario (INPEC) era de 1.500 en 1991 y alcanzó la cifra de 7.944 en junio de 2018. Este incremento fue del 429%, mientras que el número de hombres internos aumentó en un 300% en el mismo período, es decir, el aumento en el número de mujeres privadas de la libertad ha sido más acelerado. En junio de 2018, 43% de las mujeres privadas de la libertad en Colombia se encontraban en detención preventiva. Con el fin de entender las diferencias derivadas del género y los impactos diferenciados de la prisión en las mujeres, es importante tener más conocimiento sobre las historias, perfiles y necesidades de la población penitenciaria de mujeres en Colombia.Bogot

    Characterization of BoHV-5 field strains circulation and report of transient specific subtype of bovine herpesvirus 5 in Argentina

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5) is a member of the subfamily <it>Alphaherpesvirinae </it>responsible for meningo-encephalitis in young cattle. The first case of bovine meningo-encephalitis associated with a herpesvirus infection was reported in Australia. The current geographical distribution of BoHV-5 infection is mainly restricted to South America, especially Brazil and Argentina. Outbreaks of BoHV-5 are regularly observed in Argentina suggesting the circulation of the virus in the bovine population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Seventeen field strains of BoHV-5 isolated from 1984 to now were confirmed by differential PCR and subjected to restriction endonuclease analysis (REA). Viral DNA was cleaved with BstEII which allows the differentiation among subtypes a, b and non a, non b. According to the REA with BstEII, only one field strain showed a pattern similar to the Argentinean A663 strain (prototype of BoHV-5b). All other isolates showed a clear pattern similar to the Australian N569 strain (prototype of BoHV-5a) consistent with the subtypes observed in Brazil, the other South-American country where BoHV-5 is known to be prevalent. The genomic region of subtype b responsible for the distinct pattern was determined and amplified by PCR; specifically a point mutation was identified in glycoprotein B gene, on the BstEII restriction site, which generates the profile specific of BoHV-5b.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This is the first report of circulation of BoHV-5a in Argentina as the prevailing subtype. Therefore the circulation of BoHV-5b was restricted to a few years in Argentina, speculating that this subtype was not able to be maintained in the bovine population. The mutation in the gB gene is associated with the difference in the restriction patterns between subtypes "a" and "b".</p

    Solving Multi-objective Integer Programs using Convex Preference Cones

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    Esta encuesta tiene dos objetivos: en primer lugar, identificar a los individuos que fueron víctimas de algún tipo de delito y la manera en que ocurrió el mismo. En segundo lugar, medir la eficacia de las distintas autoridades competentes una vez que los individuos denunciaron el delito que sufrieron. Adicionalmente la ENVEI busca indagar las percepciones que los ciudadanos tienen sobre las instituciones de justicia y el estado de derecho en Méxic
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